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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Change is good...right?

                           Change Is Good...right?

  Well,it has been almost two months since I decided to leave my job of 19 years. Scared? that's an understatement. My kids were little tykes getting into mischief when I started I have mischief making grandkids.
  Now mind you, it is too soon for me to retire so naturally as a responsible adult I had to line up another job. I mean, not work at all? That's just unheard of, I have always worked. Well, as far back as I can remember anyway. Doing chores for an allowance counts, I was earning money. Anyway, I found a nice part-time gig that was less stressful and a lot kinder to my body. Hey I'm not a spring chicken anymore.
   I was all, like, with all this free time I can clean more, cook nice dinners and just all around make the home sweet home sweeter......yeah.
   Reality check please! I have more time to spend with the hubs... play with the games. Did I mention i just love my computer, it is an endless train of fun and games. Friends galore real and virtual. 
   I guess the whole point of this blog entry is to just be honest with myself and come clean. I wanted more me time and by golly I got it. I just now need to figure out what I really want to do with that time. It sure is a good thing I have plenty of time to figure it out.
   You see change is good, just wish I could change my procrastination trait...I'll work on that later.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dog Day Afternoon

    So, yeah..I figured having two dogs cannot be any harder than one, right? Well, we like to travel a little and Shelly has always been a great road dog. So we figured the newest addition Maya, would learn the ropes as well. I mean, yeah she cries most of the ride to the vet, but's "The Vet".
    We had our travel plans all worked out. My mother would dog sit and we would have 4 wonderful days in Orlando. you know how loud a 6 month old hound can howl. Let me tell you, loud. We had a five hour drive..the first three..earmuffs anyone?
    During that "enjoyable" ride the hubs and I exchanged furtive looks. Neither would say what the other was thinking. No words were needed. The cries from the backseat was filling in for our unspoken gripes  words.
    Finally we arrived at my Mother's house. Yes, we were happy to be there, but I know we both had the same thought. Five days from now we still have to make the trip back. Shake it off! We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
   We had a great vacation and Mom enjoyed the time she spent with the girls. It was time to go home.
She slept the whole way. Go Figure.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


                         So where to begin? I can tell you this much..I am a blank sheet of paper. I decided to start up my blog, since I have been so neglectful. Bahhh..I had it all planned out, every word..every chuckle..Oh hell..just like that poof!
    Now mind you, just know this lady has surpassed the 50 mark so I do have some excuses. But..and this is a big but..a puppy changes all the dynamics of sitting on the couch and tapping the keyboard to my hearts content. (hold on..pushing puppy off my lapuduhg..grrrr..yeah it's like that)

   So anyway, I will continue this blog the best I can. No promises but I think I can do this. So stay tuned and any words misspelled..anything just not right in's the puppy. Yeah she hit the keyboard. So between Shelly's non-stop barking and puppy Maya's need to be on my lap all the time, we'll get through it.