When I woke up this morning I knew what was in store, Shelly did'nt. Shelly is my sweet doggy friend that I rescued from the animal shelter 2 years ago. She loves me, she trusts me.

Sooo..I go about my normal morning routine on a blessed day off. As little movement as possible, usually on my favorite spot at the end of the couch with the laptop..well on my lap. I messed around for a bit then dragged the hubby out of bed {he is my chauffer after all} and sweetly ask Shelly "Wanna go for a ride?" Well, of course she answers using that unique doggy language, you know prancing, panting and massive tail wagging.
So off we go..to the groomers..we pull up in front and wouldn't ya know it, the groomer is running late. The closed sign hung on the window warning us that the door will not open..so don't try it..right. So after hubby tests the door, just making sure..you know they could have just forgot to take the sign down, he gets in the car as Shelly starts whining..very pitiful. Ok there is no way she could know..this is the first time for this groomer, this is not her first rodeo, just a new venue thats all.
Finally, the groomer arrives and as I open the back door, Shelly happily jumps out until...a variety of doggy voices reach the parking lot as the groomer opens the front door. Immediatly she cowers behind me "It's ok Shelly, lets go" she follows no problem, like I said she trusts me.
After a short conversation of what I wanted (no I did not consult with Shelly on this) I hand over the leash and watch as she bucks up and has to be pushed across the floor to the waiting crate..I wonder what goes through her mind, does she think I am deserting her? I was informed to come back in 3 hours to pick up the pup.
Wow, a different dog..no hair. Hmmm, she is wagging her tail..she is happy to see me even though I was just responsible for having all her beautiful long locks shaved completly off. Just goes to show love knows no boundries..reminds me of the time I was gonna trim my youngest son's hair, he ended up bald for awhile..at least till it grew back, he still loved me.
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